ISU BioBus News and Features!
DIS Center of ExCytment - 8/20/15
BioBus was recently accepted to attend DIS! Shoutout to New Student Programs at Iowa State University for inviting us to Destination Iowa State's Center of ExCytment!! Look for us near the front with our activity Super Soakers & Suckers!!
Change of Guard - 5/20/15
Congrats to our new exec members and may a good year follow! Your exec team for the 2015 year is:
President of Business - Casey Nelson
President of Engineering - Daniel Moraes
Treasurer - Ben Goedken
Vice President of Engineering - Carly Polson
Vice President of Business - Kaushik Raj Arukonda
Another Batch Completed - 11/22/14
The BioBus engineering team recently completed another batch of biodiesel to give to CyRide. This particular batch was particularly difficult in the area of emulsification. We are proud of our engineering team for overcoming this obstacle and producing a quality batch!
Another Batch Completed - 11/22/13
The BioBus engineering team recently completed another batch of biodiesel to give to CyRide. This particular batch was particularly difficult in the area of emulsification. We are proud of our engineering team for overcoming this obstacle and producing a quality batch!
BioBus Outreaches to Girls- 11/01/13
The BioBus team recently outreached to local elementary school girls and gave them a tour of what we do. The team also gave them an enlightening presentation about science and renewable energy. More than 30 girls were present!
BioBus @ Order of the Knoll - 10/04/13
ISU BioBus was pleased to be apart of the annual Order of the Knoll event made possible by the ISU Foundation. We were able to present to many prominent individuals about our orgnization and vision. We are very greatful to the Foundation for inviting us. We hope to be back again!
BioBus Allocates with ESC - 10/7/13
BioBus is very happy to announce that we are currently working with ISU Engineering Student Council. We look forward to be coordinating with them and showing them what we can do!
REG Sponsors BioBus - 9/13/13
The largest domestic biodiesel producer in the United States Renewable Energy Group has made a $1000 contribution to ISU BioBus! Many plans are in the works and we look forward to a great relationship with Renewable Energy Group. We sincerely thank them for their wonderful support!
BioBus Revs Up Fall 2013 - 9/9/13
ISU BioBus recently inducted many new members into the organization through our new member orientation. We hope that they find ISU BioBus to be their adventure at Iowa State!
BioBus @ ClubFest - 4/22/13
ISU BioBus recruiting efforts were in high swing as the fall semester started up! Many people saw us at ClubFest in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union. Thank you to the ISU Student Activities Center for sponsoring this event! If you saw us thanks for checking us out!
BioBus @ D.I.S. - 4/20/13
ISU BioBus recruiting efforts were in high swing as the fall semester started up. Thanks to everyone who visited our booth at Destination Iowa State! Thanks class of 2017! We hope that some of you will make us your adventure at Iowa State Univeristy.
BioBus Birthday on Earthday - 4/22/13
The BioBus team presented a yearly update to ISU faculty and students. It was a very large success presenting to over 25 people. Representatives from ISU College of Engineering, ISU College of Business, and Cyride were in attendance. In short it was a productive year with no accidents and over 500gal of biodiesel produced so far!
BioBus @ VEISHEA Village - 4/20/13
The BioBus team set up a booth at VEISHEA Village and had much success do to being set up in the ISU College of Engineering Tent. Take a look at our set up below!
BioBus Featured in Ethos Magazine - 4/8/13
Ethos Magazine, a publication made at Iowa State, recently featured us in an article about sustainability on campus. Check out the article and Ethos Magazine by clicking this link! - Story
BioBus Iowa Energy Center Documentary - 4/4/13
ISU BioBus was featured in a documentary made by the Iowa Energy Center. A huge shout out goes out to Kait McKinney as she produced a wonderful video. We look forward to working with them in the future. Check out the video below!
ISU BioBus President Wins Green Award! - 3/11/13
We are so proud of ISU BioBus President Dave Correll! President Dave Correll presented at the Symposium on Sustainability and was selected to receive Iowa State's "Live Green!" Award for Exceptional Leadership in Sustainability while he was there. Congrats, Dave!
BioBus Completes Another Batch of Biodiesel - 3/1/13
Another 40gal batch of biodiesel named "Casey" goes out the door. Even though we had some technical difficulties with our heater at the beginning we pulled through! The batch has been named "Casey" in honor of our new treasurer and information officer. Things are looking up and we hope to make this a two batch semester!
BioBus Does a Bus Switcheroo - 2/27/13
In an effort to make our bus and organization more visible on campus, we are upgrading to a different bus and route. Be sure to watch for Cyride bus number 711 driving around campus on the Orange 23 route! Catch a ride and smell the french fries!
BioBus Completes Another Batch - 11/16/12
A great quality batch of biodiesel has made its way out the door to Cyride this week. 40gal of high quality biodiesel officially named "Noor" after our new Chem E member. The batch has been added to our total production.
BioBus Featured On ISU Homepage - 11/14/12
A big shout out to the ISU News Service this week as BioBus is featured on the ISU homepage! The article tells a little bit about our history and an awesome way to get the word out on campus. Check out the article by clicking the picture below!
BioBus Featured in the Iowa State Daily - 9/14/12
Thank you to the Iowa State Daily for featuring us in an awesome article about entrepreneurship! Just another great way for ISU BioBus to get noticed. Check out the article by clicking this link! - Story
BioBus Birthday on Earthday - 4/22/12
Our celebration of our founding went off without a hitch. The BioBus team also submitted a yearly report to people with interest in our project at Iowa State. Thanks for all who attended!
ISU BioBus Participates in Sustainapalooza - 4/1/12
Numerous members from BioBus toured other sustainable organizations on campus. We even had a booth of our own. Thanks to everyone who participated!
Science Bound Students Explore BioBus - 2/25/12
On Saturday, ISU Science Bound students from area high schools visited our lab at the Biorenewables Research Laboratory. The students watched a short presentation about biodiesel, sustainability, opportunities at ISU and the mission of ISU BioBus. Finally, students got to create their own batch of biodiesel! A huge whelm of thanks to Nicole Johnson who coordinated this outreach event. Check out pictures below and click the link to see more. - Link
Dave Correll Wins Teacher of the Month Award - 2/22/12
ISU BioBus president Dave Correll received the teacher of the month award through the ISU College of Business. Congrats Dave on the accomplishment! Check out the story here. - Link
Dave Correll Dicusses Biofuel - 2/20/12
Our president discusses biofuel with the ISU Daily! Check out the article here. - Link
ISU BioBus in the News - 7/21/11
Check out this article how ISU BioBus and other like minded organizations are pushing renewable energy and sustainability on college campuses. - Story
ISU BioBus Featured by College of Ag and Life Sciences - 7/2/11
Check out this great article on ISU BioBus and renewable fuel through Cyride! A large shout out goes to Carly Martin who did a fantastic write-up! - Story
ISU BioBus Launch Party Makes U.S. News & World Report - 4/19/11
Our launch party has made the U.S. News & World Report on an article showing how universities promote Earth Day on campus! Truly a great day for BioBus and Iowa State University. Check out the article here! - Story